Brazillian Taste

This is a mandatory project to complete UI/UX Design Specialization by CALARTS on Coursera. The objective for this project was to build a restaurant website where you would be able to do some orders choosing dishes for a party kit. Based on the design concepts explained in the specialization, I developed the concept using Figma tools and Font Awesome.

 Would You Rather?

This is a mandatory project to complete Udacity React Nano Degree. The goal here is to implement an App to lets a user play the Would You Rather? game. A question with two options is going to be displayed and a user needs to choose one option. The user is not allowed to select both options or any option. Users can create new questions and verify his/her score on the Leaderboard page. It shows how many questions users answered and how many questions users created. It was developed using React, Redux and Material UI.

 MyReads Project

This project is part of a group of projects to complete the React Nano Degree by Udacity. The propose of this project was to exercise the knowledge about React through components, state, props, etc. Udacity provided to me a layout already done and I had to create a bookshelf app that allows an user to categorize books using some categories. Another mandatory functionality for the project was a limited search feature. An user could search a pre-determined term on that search and books related to that query have to display on the page.

 Contact Map App

I developed a single-page application that is a Contact List. Main features are to add a new contact on the list, favorite a contact, display the contact list and update the contact information. The data is saved on the browser localStorage. I used React, Material UI and Jest to implement this project and Netlify to host. To see the project, click here.

 Husky Rescue Organization Website

I developed a new website for Husky Rescue Organization. It was a responsive Single Page Application using React, Bootstrap 4 and Sass. I used Adobe Photoshop to create a layout for the new website.

 Projects at Kathmandu

I worked on internal projects using React, Gatsby.js, Cypress and Netlify at Kathmandu. The main project is the Kathmandu Ecommerce website which uses Magento 2.2.9, Knockout.js and Less. My main task in this project is to fix some bugs related to the frontend and develop small functionalities for the website. I am also working to keep third party scripts organized using Google Tag Manager, where I always improve my abilities with Vanilla Javascript.